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Water is essential to all life. That fact alone is a very good reason to talk about it.


Did you know that your body is about 60% water...and that your blood is 90% water? 

And yet very few of us (maybe only 20%) actually drink 8 or more cups of refreshing and rejuvenating water every day?

Water plays a number of vital roles within your body, in fact, it's literally a do or die situation when it comes to losing weight.

I've had clients past and present see amazing results JUST by monitoring their water levels. 

Here are a few reasons WHY you should monitor your water levels daily:

  • It keeps your joints lubricated, helping avoid joint pain (especially as we get older)

  • It helps with digestion, starting with the moment you eat something.

  • It helps your body move oxygen and fuel and break down and deliver vitamins and minerals - so they can be used where they are needed.

  • It keeps your skin glowing and looking radiant.

  • It helps protect your nervous system.

  • It regulates your body temperature (super important when you work out)

  • It helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

  • It can make breathing easier (especially important if you have allergies)

  • It helps keep your kidneys healthy

  • It helps you work out harder/longer

Water is our ONLY source of hydration, and should be consumed daily.

If you feel thirsty, then you are just in need of a top up, you are literally well within the danger zone when it comes to hydration. 

In fact, most people live most days SEVERELY dehydrated and think it's completely normal. 

Use the chart below to ensure you are adequately hydrated.

pee chart 3.jpg

So rather than impress you with a load of science I came up with a cool simple equation….

When you’re hydrated >> Kidneys Function Properly >> Liver metabolises stored fat into usable energy = Body becomes happy fat burning machine.

If you’re one of these ‘water is boring’ people then carry on living on diluting juice or energy drinks and see where that gets you. Re-assess your health and take it seriously, you only get one shot at life amigo.

When Should I Drink Water?

If you don’t feel like drinking water before your meals in order to eat less, you don’t have to carry a gallon of water around all day long.

There is no universal requirement for water intake, and exact needs will vary from person to person depending on a ton of factors.

Thirst is a good indicator that you need to drink water, and does not actually mean you’re already dehydrated.


You actually get thirsty when your bloods water concentration has risen by 2%, while experts generally define dehydration when that concentration has risen by at least 5%.

My simple advice is this – drink when you’re thirsty, and stick with water as much as possible.

In terms of how much water you should really be drinking.....

Then take your bodyweight in lbs and halving it this is the number of fluid ounces (floz) you need to be drinking EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If you are unsure about floz then you can easily convert your number into litres via a google converter.


Your water doesn’t need to be bland, add a slice of FRESH lemon or lime which will supercharge your efforts further.

It’s a well-known fact that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and immune boosting components as well as the ability to improve your mood and the double whammy here it helps you burn more fat.

Simple tip: Slice your lemon and lime, then freeze, they’ll last longer that way.



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