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Open for INSTANT motivation

Most coaches spend their time chatting about the whole how, why and what it's like to be working towards your fat loss goal, with your perfect body somewhere off in the distance.

Not me, i'm going to switch perspectives and go all Marty Mcfly on you.

We are going to jump into the Delorean, put the pedal to the metal until we reach 88mph and head into the future.

We are going to turn the focus onto how it feels to BE at your ideal weight.

And the only way i'm going to do that is pull on my own experience as a former overweight guy turned coach and give you a glimpse into your future and what it feels like to reach your end goal.

I want to get you pumped up and motivated to work even more diligently towards your goal.

Studies have shown that those who spend time visualizing the accomplishment of their goal have a higher success rate in actually getting there.

So if you are still working towards your goal then sit back and let the following 7 Amazing Reasons to be FIT really sink into your mind.

Visualize the following as being a part of your reality.

Amazing Reason To Be Fit #1: You Always Look Great

When you are at your ideal weight, clothes always look and feel amazing.

Like every.....



Gone are those days where you try and look for ways to cover your 'problem' areas because even those look great.

There's also the motivation and boost you get when friends and work colleagues tell you how fantastic you look and that you've never looked better.

No better feeling in the world!!!

Amazing Reason to be FIT #2: Your Confidence is High

When you accomplish any worthwhile goal, it's enough to seriously boost your confidence, and this is even more apparent when reaching a fitness goal.

When your body goes through a transformation theres no hiding it, you're:

- Tighter

- Leaner

- and more attractive

You instantly stand straighter, walk taller and exude a genuine confidence that can't be missed.

Amazing Reason to be FIT #3: You Have Bundles of Energy

Before you met your fat loss goal, getting off the couch was a challenge.... one that you didn't always win. You'd get tired chasing the kids about or just walking up the stairs felt like an uphill battle.

Once you became fit, new suregs of energy course through your veins. You thrive on motion and activities that used to tire you out now leave you energized.

Amazing Reason to be FIT #4: You Are Strong

The life of a truly fit person knows no limits!!

In your free time you hike, cycle, pick up new activities and play with the kids.

Picking up items that used to feel heavy is now a breeze as your functionality for daily tasks has never been stronger. Gone are those days when you'd tell yourself "I can't do that, i'm not strong enough'

Amazing Reason to be FIT #5: You Have No Health Worries

You'll never forget the look on your doctors face when examining your transformed body. Gone is the lecture about the many risks of weight related ailments.

Those day's are long gone. Your healthy, strong thriving body is health-worry free.

Amazing Reason to be FIT #6: You No Longer Have Weight To Lose

How long have you been trying to lose the fat and get down to your ideal weight?

A long time, right?

In all that time your fat loss has been a giant guerilla on your back - always in the back of your mind, always weighing you down.

Guess what? Poof!! That giant guerilla disappeared the day you reached your goal weight and in its place came sweet, carefree peace of mind.

Amazing Reason to be FIT #7: You Are Able To Enjoy Life

Once you transformed your body, life got decidedly more fun and exciting.

You never knew how much your weight had held you back from excitement and adventure until the day that burden was lifted.

You can now enjoy life carefree the way you were designed to.

I hope these 7 reasons have motivated you.

If this motivated you to get started on your own total body transformation, join my 90 Day Fitter Body Online Plan here: (bodyweight & kettlebell workouts)


Coach @ KEBOfit

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KEBOfit has helped thousands of men & women get back into shape, improve their health and feel more confident about themselves again by going against diet industry BS. 

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