Quick Guide To Finding More 'Time'
“I ain't got the time”
TIME is everyone's limiting factor! Today we are busier than ever!
Time! It is consistently one of the most overused excuses (sorry… ‘reasons’!?) for someone not making the necessary changes that they know will improve their lives.
I hear people all the time say that they want to get healthy, regain their fitness and the old figure they loved; but are not willing(sorry don’t have the time) to change their present routine.
Is it really that they haven’t got time or is it that they don’t want to make time???
You see, in order to get the life you want, the advice is the same....YOU have to change
You have to step out of the comfort zone you have been in for years.
This routine you have been in for years is predictable and easy, and ultimately the reason you are in this current state.
You get up, go to work, come home, ferry the kids around and then unwind in front of the TV.
Sound all too familiar?
I get it you are busy… I understand that!
I’m busy too… everyone is, think about it, have you ever heard anyone say ‘ooh I have just got too much time’ me neither!
We all have our personal pressures, and they’re all unique challenges, that others don’t understand.
Personally, I mostly get up at around 6am and don’t finish working until almost bedtime, daddy daycare duties, make time to see frends and family, workout, blah blah blah the list goes on.
The reason I do it is because I made a choice, to change my life, to move forward and start enjoying it, rather than while away the hours moaning about the hand I was dealt
Don't get me wrong, I used to....
I used to blame everyone but me… I would use ‘if only’ on a daily basis and I wasn’t happy
Then something changed, I realised I was in control, and if I wanted to change something I was the one that had to do it
The first thing I realised was that…
If I want to improve
I had to make time if I want to do all those things and be healthy, happy and strong as well.
I had to give some of the time from my old ways to make time for the positive changes I needed.
And if I can, I PROMISE you can too!
It’s simply about accepting first that you need to change and building from the ground up
Find where you currently waste time, because you do… everyone does
Start utilising your time better
Until giving time, and using it wisely becomes a habit,
Then you can start utilising the time you have to create the future you want, a happier, healthier, more confident future.
The average person spends over 2hrs a day on social media…looking at people moaning about their lives…
like that’s going to help you!!
Then there is the TV time an average of 4hrs a day.
And we waste more time than that
If you could only change 1 hour of that time to prepare food for the next couple of days and make sure you had everything ready before going to bed
If you could only change and use just 20 mins of that time doing some form of exercising 3/4 times a week.
You’d be blown away by the amount of energy you create, and how much better you feel, subsequently feeling like you have even more time.
The list of changes you can make is endless, and the places you can find 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there will surprise you
It all adds up
Thats why my online coaching plan can help you, workouts are around 20 minutes long and can be done from home, all your nutrition is laid out for you to apply and follow, you'll get simple recipes to follow, constant contact with your coach and the amazing results to go with it all.
You can actually start to make the changes you promised yourself in January, and every Monday for the last 5 years or so.
And the sooner you get to that, the sooner your life will look a whole lot different.
Coach @ KEBOfit
P.S. Not ready to commit? No problem, you can still get my FREE 'Fat Loss Secrets Revealed' Book and join thousands of busy men and women who are getting back in shape, improving their health and feeling more confident without having to turn their lives upside down to do it. Get your copy here >> http://www.kebofit.com/
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