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Supercharge your health with green drinks

No matter how committed we are to getting in the recommended five to nine servings of vegetables and fruits every day, sometimes we come up short.

It may be that we are busy and barely have time to eat at all, or perhaps we find ourselves in eating situations that don’t include many fresh vegetable choices. Or maybe we just don’t like them.

On days that you find it hard to eat enough vegetables and fruits, a green drink is the perfect answer. It is a great way to boost your health and even detox your system.

Green drinks are just that—green, because they contain the juice of fresh green vegetables and other vegetables and fruits. There are many reasons to consider adding green drinks to your diet.

Why drink green juice?

Vegetables and fruit are full of essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes that your body thrives on.

And because you are consuming it in liquid form, your body can digest it quickly.

This is especially helpful if you have digestion issues, because the process of juicing ‘pre digests’ the food for you by breaking down the cell walls. This means that the nutrition can easily go right into your system.

Drinking your veggies and fruits also allows you to take in more nutrients.

You may find it difficult to eat an entire bunch of kale in a day, but drinking the juice from that same amount is no problem at all!

You will also detox your body by drinking fresh juices. The enzymes contained in the juice help to release built-up toxins, leaving your body much healthier.

Many people have found that juicing helps them to lose weight, increase their energy and even improve some medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Smoothies too!

An alternative to juicing your veggies and fruit is to turn them into smoothies (my preferred method). While a juicer extracts the juice and leaves behind the pulp, a high-powered blender can be used to blend the juice and pulp together into a thicker drink.

Either method is fine--it just depends on your preference. The fiber in the smoothies will cause you to feel full longer, which may help you to have fewer cravings.

Watch Your Calories and Sugar Intake!

WARNING: Juicing can really jack up your calorie and sugar intake when you use a lot of fruit. Be mindful of what you’re putting in your green drink…

Get started with these recipes

Here are some recipes that I share with my online coaching clients, i'm sure they'll help you jumpstart your health and energy.

Baby’s First Green (a great starter juice)

1 large pear 1 apple 1 cup pineapple, cubed 4 large stalks kale 1 cucumber

JB's Classic Green Juice

1 green apple 1 inch knob ginger 5 large stalks celery 1 cucumber 1 large handful parsley 5 stalks kale

Veggie Ginger Juice

3 large carrots 1 beetroot 1 green apple 4 large stalks celery 1 large handful of spinach, parsley, or other dark green 1 small cucumber 1 inch knob ginger

Do you love a smoohie or a juice? Let me know your favorite recipes!


Coach @ KEBOfit

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